Saturday 8 October 2011

14. Rendering (Stage 2) with fine mortar

So finally we have reached the cosmetic part of the wall construction. It is essentially a touch up phase to conceal any irregularities of the wall. After levelling the entire brick wall with rough mortar, I instructed the students to sieve the rough sand to produce fine sand that have a smooth texture. Although we manage to produce a couple of buckets of smooth sand but when made into wet mortar the quantity is very little.

We had to be very stingy during application of the fine mortar because there was little room for wastage. We applied as thin as possible using a combination of 3 items.
  1.  Metal trowel for the first application 
  2. Wooden trowel to level the surface 
  3. Wet sponge to blend the connection points
For the sharp edges we use plywood and trowel for we were lacking proper equipment to produce the angles.
Fine mortar
Wall mortaring
Making it smooth
Working on the wall
finished wall

(song : Jimmy eats world)

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