Tuesday 4 October 2011

13. Rendering (stage 1) with rough mortar

Well the next step was rendering of the brick walls, based on previous experience I know that with the quality of sand (fine agg) provided it is almost impossible to provide a smooth finish. The sand was just too rough and will crumble the moment it is applied to the brick wall.

Again I instructed the students to apply it in 2 stages, the first batch of not so fine mortar mix was applied as a filler layer to level out the creeks and crevasses of the brick wall.

(Imagine like a women applying makeup to the face. You don’t directly apply the blushes and the eyes shadow right? You must apply the powder foundation first.LOL)
We used a long flat timber as a leveling device. We move the flat timber on the surface and observed the surface of the brick wall from the sides. Any surface with a big gap under the timber level is filled up with the rough mortar.   

This is how we do it!

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