Wednesday 16 January 2013

29.Roof Construction (Part 1)

Materials for the roof construction

The materials were mainly recycled and we tried as much as possible not to buy new items for the project, keeping it green and real man!
Students were given 10 weeks to collect and make individual roof tiles which are later merged into a complete roof. It’s more or less like a huge jigsaw puzzle that requires some tweaking and adjustment to make everything fit.

The list of materials that was required is as listed below:
1.       Lots of plastic bottles(about 50 each individual)
2.       Single layer plywood(to screw on the bottles)
3.       Various sizes of screws
4.       Concrete anchor(to anchor the A frame to beams)
5.       Plastic or DPM as sarking
6.       Spray , Paint and Industrial coating(for aesthetic and finishing)

Concrete anchor



Plastic bottle before cut

Plastic bottle after cut and fold



Top side of bottles arranged

Under side of plywood

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