Monday 14 May 2012

26.Project Ferro cement

In the beginning this was kind of a gray area for it was something that I’ve only read in books and net. Finally after making a sample model to show to the supervisor, the green light was then given to buy the essential items that are needed for the project.
The second target is to reuse all the spoil chairs that has a metal frame and recycle them as the reinforcement for the furniture.


  • The skills to mix the right texture of mortar was developed for if its to dry it will crumble and if its to wet it will slide off. The proposed mix would be 1 cement to 1 sand and the water ratio is a bout 0.4 or less depending on the location vertical or horizontal.
  • The wire mesh needs to be firmly secured to the reinforcement or it will break easily. 
  • The first layer might be a thin and rough layer but the finishing needs to be as smooth as possible. I found that by using a good trowel and some sponge the final effects could be achieved.
  • Using hands to compress the mortar to the reinforcement is the best method but don’t forget the rubber gloves or your hands might suffer terribly.
  • The objective is to create something that is light and yet durable and easy to mold into odd shapes that concrete by itself could not achieve.

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