Saturday 19 November 2011


Dear all readers, I was sitting alone yesterday reminiscing what I have done for the last 5 years of my life.....well let me tell you it wasn’t much. All I do is dedicated my life to teaching students and i do hope that I managed to help the students to be smart and better stewards for the planet. I know that life is short and its a darn gamble. 2 of my buddies died last year, one on his way to Jakarta on a flight and the other was from OD. This year one of my friends was diagnose with terminal illness and his a healthy living kind of a fella. Again i am dumb struck with the things happening around me. What if this where to happen to me?

Here is a funny sign now laugh!
So i made up my mind that if this blog where to hit 1000 page views before the end of this year 2011 i will dedicate 1 post to my life and all about me as the author of this blog. I was quite surprise with the number of hits (917 ppl) I didn’t expect it to reach that number. Again i would like to thank the viewers because without your comments and page views i would not have the motivation to continue this blog. I would like to end this post with a useful quote that i hold dear to my heart.... “Work like u r going to live for 1000 years and pray like u r going to die tomorrow.”

(it is now 976 ppl )

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