Sunday, 26 August 2012

28.Ideas for roofing material

Hi,Well its been a while since ive blogged.Sorry for the sudden silence,had too much to juggle with my work and life but thank god im now a bit free.

Enough on the soap opera lets get to the real deal: roofing materials hmmmmm.... this store room project has been on hold due to the reasons that i was not given the opportunity to teach any laboratory skills recently,but now im back with a vengeance.

Recently ive given the students a simple task to recycle some materials into roof tiles and this is what they came up with.

The first group recycled some plastic bottles cut them into half's and layered them on top of each other.To make sure that the roof is water proof we even placed a layer of sarking before the battens made from damp proof plastic.

side view of plastic roof model
front view of plastic roof

The second group applied the same concept but replaced the bottles with some aluminum cans. I must say it is more esthetic but its hard to get them compared with plastic bottles.

side view aluminum roof
front view aluminum roof